SETI has a problem of tunnel perception:
Humanity @ Bifurcation point, the NOOSPHERE

Oct. 16, 1927.; "The "Magnifying Transmitter" and Earth Resonance;

Nikola Tesla:

"...The mode of propagation of the currents from my transmitter through the terrestrial globe is most extraordinary considering the spread of the electrification of the surface. The wave starts with a theoretically infinite speed, slowing down first very quickly and afterward at a lesser rate until the distance is about six thousand miles, when it proceeds with the speed of light. From there on it again increases in speed, slowly at first, and then more rapidly, reaching the antipode with approximately infinite velocity. The law of motion can be expressed by stating that the waves on the terrestrial surface sweep in equal intervals of time over equal areas, but it must be understood that the current penetrates deep into the earth and the effects produced on the receivers are the same as if the whole flow was confined to the earth's axis joining the transmitter with the antipode. The mean surface speed is thus about 471 200 kilometers per second - fifty-seven per cent. greater than that of the so-called Hertz waves - which should propagate with the velocity of light if they exist. The same constant was found by the noted American astronomer, Capt. J. T. T. See, in his mathematical investigations, for the smallest particles of the ether which he fittingly designated as "etherons". But while in the light of his theory this speed is a physical reality, the spread of the currents at the terrestrial surface is much like the passage of the moon's shadow over the globe.

It will be difficult for most people engaged in practical pursuits to measure or even to form an adequate conception of the intensity of inspiration and force I derive from that part of my work which has passed into history. I have every reason to consider myself one of the most fortunate men, for I experience incessantly a feeling of inexpressible satisfaction that my alternating system is universally employed in the transmission and distribution of heat, light and power and that also my wireless system, in all its essential features, is used throughout the world for conveying intelligence. But my pioneer efforts in this later field are still grossly misunderstood..."



Proposed modification of Einstein equation

Map of the observable universe (NASA/WMAP)

In 1983, Mordehai Milgrom, a physicist at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, published three papers in Astrophysical Journal to propose a modification of Newton's law of gravity.

Usually the equation F=ma (force = mass X acceleration) solves your basic acceleration problems. But it doesn't explain the observed rotation of galaxies. MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) suggests that at low values of acceleration, the acceleration of a particle is not linearly proportional to the force. MOND adds a new constant of nature (a0) to physics, besides the speed of light and Planck's constant. Above the constant, accelerations are exactly as predicted by Newton's second law (F=ma). Below it, gravity decays with distance from a mass, rather than distance squared. This constant is so small that it goes unnoticed with the large accelerations that we experience in everyday life.

A pedagogical introduction to MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) can be found in Bekenstein, who characterizes MOND as follows: "Relativistic MOND as here described has developed from the ground up, rather than coming down from the sky: phenomenology, rather than pure theoretical ideas."

A modification of the law of gravity, requires that the acceleration due to gravitational force does not depend simply upon the mass m, but upon the form mμ(a/a0), where μ is some function approaching the value one for large arguments and a/a0 for small arguments, and a is the acceleration caused by gravity and a0 is a natural constant, a0 ≈ 10−10 m/s2.The centripetal accelerations of stars and gas clouds at the outskirts of spiral galaxies tend to be below a0.

If Newton's gravity holds true, the dark matter needed in the dwarf galaxies has constant density in the center which is contrary to theoretical predictions, which suggest density should rise to the center.


Cosmic Hide and Seek: the Search for the Missing Mass
Does Dark Matter Encircle Earth?


Humans need to evolve to see further than that 4.6%


The Time Traveller's Rainbow

Earth organism - Global Brain function

Earth organism - Schumann resonances


Galactic Telepathic Channel Gates (Image: NASA - Solar Cycles)

Galactic Earth Telepathic Channels


Tuning to the Sun
The music of invisible strings spinning you around
But you can't measure this sound
Earth's DARK TWIN holds the ground

  Earth's Dark Twin

Dark Energy, read more:
Dr. Adam Riess - Dark Energy

