Bioregional Noosphere Congress
Tuttlingen (Germany)
Eight Round Tables for Envisioning Earth as a Work of Art
NS1.21.13.22 – NS1.21.13.26
Introduction: Three of our Kin, Martin (30), Rob (115) and Werner (165), who set up PAN Tiwaz at a seminar center called ‘Lindenhof’ and are working there for some moons already, welcome us at this beautiful location. Several guests join in to enlarge our regular group.
1. To attain higher states of consciousness beyond the Omega Point
means to us to experience and live the conceptual consciousness of the cosmic
order as continuing consciousness. This consciousness will show itself day and
night, and our dreams will as well be conscious (in non continuing states of
consciousness, they are but fragmentary or not conscious). We will do this
development together with the earth. Other aspects of continuing consciousness
are: to consciously take responsibility for our actions or realise the capacity
for synchronicity. We are all invited to educate our intuition.
Concerning the crossing of the threshold of the divine point of intersection, we agree that this will not be possible without great changes happening.
In the new social order, we will realise the spirits – no matter if they are angelic beings or earth elementals – as co-creators of our life and we will consciously live this interaction. A new incarnation of the mind will take place.
At this transition, the state of the mind we are into will be critical.
We must take into account the fact, that the time to deal with challenges will
become shorter. It’s our goal to experience the spiritual quality of our being.
If our life becomes self-conscious, the collective mind will be activated.
The mind as a healer: are we ready to unconditionally accept the New Time and let the Holy Spirit work in us?
2. The number 26 with all of its fractals is the basis for the understanding of cosmic cycles (for example is our solar system 26’000 years away from the galactic centre, the Homo sapiens is 26’000 years old, human history is 5’200 years old, it takes about 260 days from human conception to birth). If we actively apply the Law of Time, that is to say, if we acknowledge and live according to the synchronometer as the ordering principle, the unconscious connections are made conscious. The Law of Time activates the Noosphere and the earth will become conscious of its light body. The Lay of Time is like a magnifying glass, enlarging light, a creative pattern.
We may ask if the term “Law of Time” is surprising for some people. We collect synonyms in the group, but we agree that time is a cosmic law with its own effects and dynamics and we should keep using the terms.
Through application of the knowledge of time, freedom comes to us because we physically, emotionally and mentally experience the cosmic laws.
The new knowledge base: The Galactic Ordering Dynamic, the One Giver of Measure and Movement.
3. We discuss how our life will look like during the transition phase. Sustainable technologies, from the point of application, we personally don’t know about it a lot. In the case of emergency, we presume that we won’t have a working power supply and are thus dependent on alternatives, for example solar panels, wind energy or energies, which the cosmos can provide. The free energies, for example the Tesla-Energy, are another point for discussion; Andy – Lunar Star – experimented practically during the last few month with different technical alternatives. There exists a lot of information (especially on the internet). Often there is a lack of practical field experimentation proving the test. We believe, that time and telepathic intuition will help us to gather free energies and to use it for our good.
Even here we are dependent on a functioning network, connecting
interested people. To find these people, in the present time, means to filter
out innumerable information on the internet, to build up contacts as well as to
maintain them.
In this context, it is to mention, that a core group, that organised the Bioregional Biosphere Congress is meeting regularly since several years (crystal- and castle meeting, gatherings for the “Green Day/DOOT”). The Self-existing Seed Year is bringing these preparations now to the next phase.
4. The earths magnetic field is holding our consciousness together and
is weakening now; the solar winds are getting stronger and will climax in the
year 2012 (transition from Rhythmic Wizard to Resonant Storm Year).
Scientific reports from NASA exist, saying that spacecrafts discovered huge lacks in the magnetic field of the earth. This lacks were registered in June 2007 through NASA and made public in December 2008. Through this hole, the Neutrinos, which constitute a big part of the solar winds on the planet, are being thrown into the biosphere and empower the acceleration of the process. The Neutrinos cannot be filtered out through matter (as for example through the Van Allen Belt). They pass matter like X-rays. Thus, all live on this planet is disposed to this kind of biopsychic-solar interaction.
An example: In summer 2003, there have been a lot of expanded power drop outs in the USA and as well in Europe; these were caused by solar winds; after an initial panic, a silence returned which united the people on the street. A natural healing took place.
5. A structure is already given by the synchronometer that will provide
future communities with a framework. The Tzolkin is serving as a perfect model,
every Kin contributes with its seal to the whole and every archetype is
represented. Our telepathic development will contribute to live the archetypal
qualities, which are rooted in the Tzolkin. Every Kin contributes with his/her
intrinsic abilities to this community; the working structure will be
distributed in the earth families.
The Noosphere is calling upon us to enter fully into the synchronic order and to leave the 12:60-time behind. We thus enter into this uncertainty to carry together the evolution of the Noosphere.
How can we promote the Noosphere Constitution in the communities? Every Kin can do it with his/her own way of networking: to communicate with one’s neighbour, to visit already existing communities (for example Damanhur in Italy or Dragon Mill in Eastern Germany), to connect telepathically communities and to do the rainbow meditation. Every Kin will carry the evolution in his/her personal way.
6. A few Kin are at Lindenhof to build a community on the basis of a socio-economical model. The knowledge of Permaculture (garden culture: food, recreation, joy, peace) will flow in. A network will take place: the Permaculture Association of Germany will celebrate its 25th anniversary at the Lindenhof in the lunar moon (17.-20.9.09) and propose possible rearrangements of the area.
Several Kins of the
group know about different exchange- and credit-systems, which may serve as
transitional systems to live without money. It is mentioned, that the “Violet
Party”, founded here in Germany, is making efforts for a basic income. We are
asked to contact the hope bearers.
As Kin in the run out model of 12:60-time, we are called upon to let our money flow into sources, which are focused on a common future (support small independent trades, adapt our food/consumption to this conditions, if not already done). When we attentively follow the development, as well as through our life experience and knowledge of the interrelationships, we will realise this clear line and live accordingly.
7. We know that the few aboriginal cultures, which are still free from the 12:60-time, didn’t leave a life in abundance.
Thanks to the media, we are able to know of the aboriginal continuity and to integrate these values into our life. For example, communication with animals is widely known in this part of the world. We respect animals as our fellowers and we even can build up cooperation, they are our companions.
Knowledge of the divine aspect allows us to live a spiritual ecology for us as well as for our environment.
8. All Kin, with their
qualities integrated into daily life, are called upon to contribute to the
“earth as a work of art”. When we talk about “art”, we mean the art of life:
how do I model my life space, how do I participate in my environment and live
with myself and in my community. The Bali model was mentioned, because people
in Bali still live these qualities.
How can the industrial garbage be transformed into the art of harmony? Different ideas prevail: the planet is helping us with its forces, we could create new artworks with the existing garbage, like different artists did and still do.
The fifth day of the Noosphere Congress (Kin 269, Yellow Cosmic Sun, Greg. 22.7.09) there is the last total solar eclipse before 2012. It can be seen in the Far East and could be vied at sunrise in India (black sun with bright corona).
In being together during these five days, we live for the idea of peace and joy for on our planet. Apart of our discussion rounds, there is time for being together in the community and we work together in the kitchen and in the garden, enjoy a drum session at the fire, listen to poems, and together with the Kin, who are learning about the Law of Time, we talk about many aspects of it.
NS1.21.13.Silio 28, White Lunar Wind, Greg. 24.7.2009
I would like to express
many thanks to all, who enriched our group by being there. Many thanks to all
Kin, who were engaged with the preparation of the congress and to those, who
helped actively during this happening. In Lak’ech Hildegard Crystal Star