Resources, Networking and Partnerships
While the First Noosphere World Forum will provide the meeting place for creating the dialogue of the virtual noosphere, a key component of this activity is the creation of the Noosphere Network – links to all noosphere related web sites (see Resources page)– as well as the forming of partnerships with like-minded organizations (forthcoming page). In the interest of creating the most comprehensive and universal Noosphere Network, we welcome new links to be placed.
The First Noosphere World Forum is an activity of the Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time. While promoting the 13 Moon/28-day calendar and education about the Law of Time defines the mission of the Foundation, the underlying program of the FLT and the GRI is to pace and further the process of the biosphere-noosphere transition. To this end, under the auspices of the GRI-FLT, the Forum has established alliances or partnerships with: The Club of Budapest and WorldShift 2012, ISRICA (Institute for the Scientific Research and Investigation of Cosmic Anthropoecology), and the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA).
We invite further partnersships – defined as groups or organizations that wish to be in a genuine creative collaboration with the Forum and its sponsoring organization, the GRI-FLT. Eventually what we would like to see with all of the partner membership organizations is an Alliance for the Noosphere .
If your organization would like to be a partner, contact us:
Dr. Ervin Laszlo. Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, President of the WorldShift Network, Founder of the General Evolution Research Group, Co-Chair of the World Wisdom Council, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. He has a PhD from the Sorbonne and is the recipient of honorary PhD’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. Formerly Professor of Philosophy, Systems Science, and Futures Studies in various universities in the US, Europe, and the Far East, he lectures worldwide. Laszlo received the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2002, the International Mandir of Peace Prize in Assisi in 2005, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. He is the author or co-author of fifty-four books translated into as many as twenty-two languages, and serves as editor of another thirty volumes in addition to a four-volume World Encyclopedia of Peace. He lives in a converted four-hundred year-old farmhouse in Tuscany. |
Dr. Liubov Gordina. President Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA, World Assembly). Doctor of Philosophy, Ph,D. Technical Science, Author idea and project of the Noospheric Ethical-Ecological Constitution for Mankind, Moscow, Russia. |
Dr. Masaru Emoto. Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama, Japan and he graduated from Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences w ith a focus on International Relations, and he received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from the Open International University. He is a president of Office Masaru Emoto, LLC in Tokyo and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation which is based in Oklahoma City, OK. |
Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo. is an international spiritual teacher, author and catalyst for peace. She is the 27th generation holder of the ancestral Ywahoo lineage in the Tsalagi/Cherokee tradition and the Chief of the Green Mountain Band of the Aniyunwiwa. Venerable is also the Founder and Spiritual Director of Sunray Meditation Society, Sunray Peace Village and the Vajradakini Nunnery in Lincoln, Vermont. |
Dr. Bawa Jain. The Secretary-General of The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders that opened at the United Nations in August 2000, is a visionary leader in the interfaith movement throughout the world. After working closely on the World Peace Summit with the office of the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Jain committed his life to finding ways that the worldwide religious and spiritual communities can work together as interfaith allies with the United Nations on specific peace, poverty and environmental initiatives. |
Chief Arvol Looking Horse. Nineteenth Generation White Buffalo Pipe Holder and Peace Activist, Originator of the annual World Peace and Prayer Day (21 June), Lakota Nation, South Dakota, USA. |
Dr. Ashok Gangadean. Professor of Philosophy, Haverford College, Pennsylvania. Founder-Director of the Global Dialogue Institute and Co-Convenor of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. |
Dr. Alicia Rodriguez. World President of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, a non governmental organization of the United Nations inspired by the vision of Nicholas Roerich. During the last 20 years, Alicia has actively spread Roerich's message of peace throughout the world. She has presented the Banner of Peace to several notable figures including His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Svetoslav Roerich, Nobel Prize of Peace winner Dr. Oscar Arias and Dr. Emma Godoy. Alicia, was Nobel Prize Peace nominee in 1997, due to her 20 years labor all over the world for peace with the Banner of Peace. |
Dr. Aleksandr Trofimov. Director of International-Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology (ISRICA); Leader of laboratory of helioclimatopathology of Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of Siberian Branch of Academy of Medical Sciences, a pupil of the founder of the Branch, outstanding Russian scientist - academician Vlail Kaznacheev. In 1990-1991 for the first time in the world he organized and carried out synchronous by astronomic time investigation of distant-information interactions between people with the use of special screens for energy-time ("Kozyrev`s mirrors") with participation of more than 5000 people. He is the author of 300 publications and 10 patents, participator of 30 International scientific forums. The Governing Board of Editors of the American biographical Institute at 2008 year presented hereby award to Pr. Alexander Trofimov the ALBERT EINSTEIN GENIUS DEDICATION in recognition of superlative intellect and contributions to Cosmic Anthropoecology. |
Nina Goncharova. Scenarist, artist, painter, singer, President of the Siberian Center of Eurasian projects, Planet 3000 international project coordinator, GIONG 3000 and Theatre of New Time projects initiator. Her life is devoted to creating a new world of peace, love and happiness for all. |
Dr. Roger Nelson. Roger Nelson's professional degrees are in experimental psychology, with a special focus on the lesser known aspects of perception. His research designs take advantage of a background including physics, statistical methods, and multi-media production. From 1980 until his retirement in 2002, he was the coordinator of experimental work in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University. Building on experiments that showed effects of intention on sensitive electronic devices, Roger developed research designs to study coherent consciousness in groups of people. Broadening this research to the grand scale, he founded the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) in 1997, and continues to direct the project in its second decade. As the GCP matures, Roger gives more time to speaking and writing about our interdependence and interconnection, and the growing need for global awareness leading to a true global consciousness. The project website is |
Margot Anand. An internationally acclaimed seminar leader and public speaker, Margot authored the best-selling books The Art of Sexual Ecstasy; The Art of Sexual Magic among many others. He teaching is also available in "Margot Anand's Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life", an in-depth course in her methods on a series of DVDs. Ms. Anand has been featured as a keynote speaker at many prestigious conferences including the Association of Humanistic Psychology and has been interviewed on numerous television and radio programs, as well as by publications The Wall Street Journal, Time, The Washington Post, New Age Journal, Cosmopolitan and many others. A native of France, Margot Anand received her degree from Sorbonne University in Paris. She has extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, bioenergetics, massage, meditation, Arica and Integral Yoga. Ms. Anand's teaching style is a rare synthesis of French erotic humor, American pragmatism, and Indian mysticism. She is particularly appreciated for her ability to bring healing, lightness, fun, and passion to the workshop atmosphere. For more information please see |
Brontoy Bedyurov. Spiritual leader of the Indigenous people of the Autonomous Republic of Altai (Central Asia). |
John Allen. Inventor of Biosphere 2, ecological scientist, poet, and philosopher. Chairman of Global Ecotechnics Corporation (, an international company with ecological and cultural projects in biosphere design, sustainable management in rainforest, savannah and desert ecologies, contemporary art from around the planet; designed and built with Institute of Ecotechnics, an 82' ocean going research vessel that has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles exploring Planet Ocean and Origins and Futures of Humanity ( Author of numerous scientific papers, and books, most recently Me and the Biospheres, a memoir. More info about John at |
Deborah Parrish Snyder. Exec. VP of Global Ecotechnics, an international ecological and cultural projects development corporation in sustainable forestry, savannah and desert ecologies, and transvanguarde artists from around the planet (; Publisher since 1984 of Synergetic Press, an independent publishing company specializing in books from the cutting edge in biospherics and ethnobotany, and the vanguard in fiction and poetry ( Involved with Biosphere 2 project from its inception in 1984 through 1994 as director of publications and educational programs. |
Daniel Pinchbeck. is the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006). He is the editorial director of Reality Sandwich ( and Evolver ( A monthly columnist for Conscious Choice, he has written features for The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Wired, Rolling Stone, ArtForum, and many other publications. He is currently collaborating on a feature documentary, 2012: Time for Change ( |
Pauline Tangiora Q.S.O. Q.S.M. is a Maori elder from the Rongomaiwahine Tribe on the East Coast of the North Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand. She also has affiliations to many other tribes. She is a Justice of the Peace, a former President and currently Vice President of WILPF Aotearoa, the former Regional Women's Representative for the World Council for Indigenous Peoples, Earth Charter Commissioner and a member of the Earth Council. She is a life member of the Maori Women's Welfare League and a Patron of the Peace Foundation. She has represented Aotearoa at many international forums and was a Consultant to the International Steering Committee of the World Court Project. |
Roy Littlesun. Is a farmer, teacher, guide and healer. His pilgrimage started in 1996 and since then he has created more than one hundred Medicine Wheels arond the world with the purpose of World Peace. |
Dr. Mark Nelson. Was a founding director of the Institute of Ecotechnics and has worked for several decades in closed ecological system research, ecological engineering, the restoration of damaged ecosystems, desert agriculture and orchardry and wastewater recycling. He is Chairman and CEO of the Institute of Ecotechnics (, a U.K. non-profit organization, which consults to several demonstration projects working in challenging biomes around the world; Vice Chairman of Global Ecotechnics Corp. (, head of Wastewater Gardens International. |
Sir Reinhart Ruge. Co-President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, and long time peace activist whose activities world wide on behalf of universal spirituality and a genuinely peaceful and democratic new world won him recognition of the Order of the Knights of Malta, who knighted him. |
Tiahoga Ruge. (M.S., University of Houston; M.A., Cinecitta Rome, Italy) directs the Center of Education and Training for Sustainable Development (Cecadesu) for the Government of Mexico's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. Prior to her government appointment, Ms. Ruge served as director for the North American Center for Environmental Communication and Information (CICEANA). A former assistant to Italian film director Federico Fellini, she is the producer and director of several films on environmental issues, including a documentary series on Biosphere 2. Ms. Ruge also orchestrated a major media project in Mexico called "Mass Media and Environment: A National Call for Environmental Awareness." In 1991 she was named to the United Nations Environmental Program's Global 500 Honor Roll for her work in the field. |
Boris Petrovic. Earth Soul Scientist and Noospheric Philosopher. A digital artist, an engineer of tele-automation systems, a researcher into Tesla's "World system", Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and magnetic reconnection. Boris is an associate of The Serbian "Nikola Tesla" Society in Belgrade, Serbia and a researcher at The Institute of New Cosmology and the Science of Time. Serbia. ( |
Antonio Velasco Piña. Prominent Mexican writer, critic and essayist, his books include the best-selling Regina, which triggered a cultural revolution. |
Alberto Ruz Buenfil. Son of archeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, discoverer from the Royal Tumb of mayan priest Pakal Votan. Forty years dedicated to study, create, promote and serve as an interna tional networker, make Alberto Ruz a first line pioneer, veteran and historian from the intentional communities, ecovillage and bioregionalist movements. |
Veronica Sacta Campos. Born in Cuenca, Ecuador-1975. Medecine woman original from the Cañare Nation in the Andes, guardian of the sacred fire and from the Red-Moon women's tent at events and ceremonies in different countries and continents. |
Vandir Natal Casagrande. Former-Public Prosecutor of the Law of the Public Ministry of San Pablo, lawyer and a big activist for peace, he is the main coordinator of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement in Brazil and has been editor of the 13 moon synchronometer in the country for 13 years. At the moment he is coordinating the work of the construction of a 13:20 base of sustainable life, in Brazil, it is almost ready and it will be a prototype for a web that will be built in all of the country, offering the people the possibility of living in harmony with nature, in a self-sustainable way, with autonomy, without depending on the 12:60 system and without contaminating the environment, treating the Earth as a work of art. |
Emerald Starr. Emerald was trained by Al Gore and The Climate Project to present his Global Warming slide show in December, 2006. Emerald has presented the slide show more than 20 times to approx. 2500 people. Arriving in Bali in March, 1987, Emerald participated in a cultural exchange program with Prof. Pennell Rock and Sutan Takdir Alisjabana at his Center for Arts in the Future at Toyabungkah, Lake Batur. In 1996, he supervised the building of Sacred Mountain Sanctuary (SMS), a resort/retreat in east Bali with cottages and villas made from bamboo, grass and stone. He joined with Linda Garland and the Environmental Bamboo Foundation (EBF) to develop The Vertical Soak Bamboo Treatment Process. From 2000 - present, Emerald assisted the Royal Family of Karangasem in restoring the Tirtagangga Water Palace, as liaison between the Arimathea Foundation and the Karangasem family's Yayasan Amerta Jiwa. Emerald continues to be active in education and raising awareness for the health of our planet. |
Anna Hill. Artist /Space Entrepreneur, Founder and owner of Spase Synapse studied (BA) Fine Art Sculpture at St Martins School of Art London followed by the Royal College of Art London (MA Fine Art Sculpture). She is inspired by humankind's consistent curiosity that strives to explore and adapt to new territories using creative and evolutionary tools. From space, life is viewed systemically both on macro and micro scales. On a macro scale, Earth is viewed from space as a beautiful and connected living system embodying connectivity between people and the planet. On a micro level, space gives insight into living systems for example through the systems science of space engineering that is able to sustain human life in extreme conditions.
Anna has developed the Symbiotic Sphere, a device intended to allude to both micro and macro space and time. It contains a Venus time watch where a day lasts more than Earth's year, juxtaposing Earth-centric and cosmological time scales and biorhythms. The Symbiotic Sphere embodies our changing perception of ourselves, the planet Earth and the Universe we inhabit, through the advances of both culture and science.